Thursday, November 4, 2010

Italys Current Event

Italians celebrated World Slow Day relaxing and taking things slow in March 15. In this day they celebrate for the 3 time the amazing things that the world offeres them. Bruno Contigiani (the president of art of living slowly) said:"Let's take this one day to stop and think about all the things we miss out on while we're rushing through our lives".Contigiani is 62 he is an ambassador of the slow life assosiation around the world. He did the first World Slow Day in the 2007 to make peoplle knowabout the values of living and working in a more natural way of life change.
Contigiani has a tehory that  resembles the way of moving by the slow food movement, made in Italy in1980.The group said: "It has no more specific agenda than an easygoing society."Contigiani association suggests that 14 things for living better.

These 14 including things to live ina  better way include:waking up five minutes earlier,enjoying breakfast, not to rush and using the time that your stuck in traffic to talk with the driver of the car nect to you.Another people say that you hsould walk when you can possible, read in the evenings instead of watching TV, and  be more focused in one of your chores instead of doing a lot of chores at the same time. Constagiani says that what helps you do all of these things is not saying I don't have time

 This is a Video of Bruno C. giving someinformation,video from youtube.
Picure from,r:0,s:0
Information from 

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