Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer 2012

      This summer was one of the best so far. I went to Miami and Orlando ans spend lot's of time with my family and my boyfriend. We arrived June 15th and ate at Shorty's, sadly I found a hair in my food and felt disgusted  for about 20 minutes. The manager showed up with a new plate and a ate it happily forgetting the incident. Meanwhile we all ate our meals my dad and his best friend, Cliff, debated about what I wore the day a was born. They kept on debating about it thought the meal and came to an agreement that the looser payed the bill. My dad called my grandma, Tata, and my dad won the bet. Luckily the hair incident stopped Cliff from having to pay the bill. When we going outside the manager apologized one last time and actually said "I'm sorry this doesn't happen to often to us", so we left and made fun of what he said the whole way home. This was the start of an amazing summer and the begging of my family teasing me with the hair for the rest of the vacation. 

          After three days of intense shopping and many Starbucks caramel frapuchinos, we jumped on a car and took off to Orlando. It was a three hour drive, that included a stop to have some KCF and a two hour competition of fruit ninja between my boyfriend and I. We kept on listening to music until we got to a huge sing with Mickey in a corner that said "Welcome to Walt Disney World", we drove in checked in and left right away to a park. After 5 intense days of Disney we went to Universal Studios, and got a fast pass, meaning we didn't have to do any lines at all. We got in every single ride the park had to offer and bought a video that showed both, my boyfriend and my reaction during the ride. My face is completely priceless, it looks like a combination of screaming, scared, crying and laughing. At the end of the day we got matching Gryffindor shirts and a Thing one and Thing two shirts. We had an amazing time and were upset when it was time to leave. 

       We got back to Miami and had some more shopping. We bought so many things that we even got an extra suit case! About 10 days before coming back to Nicaragua the most exiting day came, Concert day! We  went to the AAA arena to watch a Coldplay concert. It was amazing, as soon as they came in lights of thousand colors came on, confetti was throne and beach balls started to come out of the roof. My boyfriend and I kept on screaming until our voices left, literally we were aphonic and couldn't stop talking about the concert for days. The day after the concert we woke up very early and took off to Key West, my dad's hometown. Key West is special and famous fro many things, but what I love the most is how opened minded the people there are. I love a raving to my apartment and smell the sea weeds and just run down to the beach after a long day. Before arriving there we actually went swimming with the dolphins and para sailing. I had the time of my life and got so sad when i came back July the 3. I know a sad day to leave.

Friday, December 10, 2010

What Christmas Means To Me

Christamas is a day of joy. It is a day that no matter what you will have a great time with your family and people you love. That is why Christmas means love to me because every year no matter what I spend with my family and I spent some time with my closests friends. Family  is important that day because it was the day that Jesus was born and I think that, that fact makes it a special occasion. So because of that I always try to make my parents share a time together with me as a family because they are divorsed. During the afternon I spend time with my closest friends and try to have a great time and express them that theya re and always will be in my heart because i love them and wanted to spend a special day with them to express them that I love them and that I wanted to spend some time with them that day because they are special and they will make my day even more special.                                             

(picure from

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Chinas Current Event

In Hong Kong their is a new flu that is going throught China and is getting poeple worried. Hong Kong health people are tring to calm people and trying to making people go out to public places even though  this flue has killed public four kids and made the government to close every school. It is the first time schools in China cloose because of a flue since 2003.
This is what people from the the Chinesse health controll had to say about this."It was quite a difficult decision but we realise the number of infections is increasing,It's not something based entirely on public health data at the moment. But I think the public would appreciate that what we are doing might be a little drastic - but it's reassuring to the community."

Chineese people need to remain calm and keep their lifes one like if nothing has happened. Just like we did when the swine flu came along.
information from 

picture from

THis is a video a found in youtube

Friday, November 5, 2010

Greece current event

Eventhough Greece is mainly known for its beaches and has plenty of tourisim through out the year, the citiziens are worried because it is finacially in crisis. In an article i read from they said the the EU have a little of fault that this is happening because they make it so easy for other peopl eto travel to Greece.

Greece is also worried because they had promisse that they would been soe of the European countries that were going to help donate 5 billion dollars to rebuild Haiti. They are thinking that they willl need to undo the contract becaus of the problems they are having right know.

In my opinion Greece needs as much money as Haiti because both of them are passing through crisis right know, and we shouldn't be thinking that Greece is not donating the money for any of the bad reasons but because they also need the money. Lets help both Greece and Hati by viditing them or sendidng them money to help them get out of this terribble thing their going through.
Information from
picture from
this is a video from Greece that I found in youtube.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Indias Current Event

It has been said tht India is know one the countrys that is more rich in fruites and vegetables.Mostly of Indias goods are either really sweet or spicy. All of them are colorefull,smell really good and are used to make a delicious food. India has an incredible amput of spicy flavors that are usefull to make ingredients.  More  Indian restaurants are opening in the countrya nd around the world because of their unique style of food. 

In India super markets are growing and restaurants are making more varietys of food and chili. Sceintist say that Indian foos can help you to be protecte from any dissea. Indian food aqls helps you to be in a diet since the Indian food is high in fruits,vegetables and the spices are low in fat. The National Cancer Institute says that in India their is a lower cancer rate that in other western countries. They believe is because they have a healthier diet that the people from the west.

I thinks that we should all be eating Indian food and looking for recepies know that I know this. This way we will have a healthier life and a low risk of dyiing because of cancer.

picure from
Information from
This is a video of an Indian Market that I found in Youtube

Italys Current Event

Italians celebrated World Slow Day relaxing and taking things slow in March 15. In this day they celebrate for the 3 time the amazing things that the world offeres them. Bruno Contigiani (the president of art of living slowly) said:"Let's take this one day to stop and think about all the things we miss out on while we're rushing through our lives".Contigiani is 62 he is an ambassador of the slow life assosiation around the world. He did the first World Slow Day in the 2007 to make peoplle knowabout the values of living and working in a more natural way of life change.
Contigiani has a tehory that  resembles the way of moving by the slow food movement, made in Italy in1980.The group said: "It has no more specific agenda than an easygoing society."Contigiani association suggests that 14 things for living better.

These 14 including things to live ina  better way include:waking up five minutes earlier,enjoying breakfast, not to rush and using the time that your stuck in traffic to talk with the driver of the car nect to you.Another people say that you hsould walk when you can possible, read in the evenings instead of watching TV, and  be more focused in one of your chores instead of doing a lot of chores at the same time. Constagiani says that what helps you do all of these things is not saying I don't have time

 This is a Video of Bruno C. giving someinformation,video from youtube.
Picure from,r:0,s:0
Information from 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Egypt Current Event

Helipolis also known as City Of The Sun,has always been known for having beatiful gardens and an amazing architecture like all of Egypt have. Now (Five years after) the suburbs centinnial investor and realestates prices have increased and the village is coming down. 

People who lives here were proud of teir city, but now things have changed. They were specially prud of the harmony and peace of: Korba and the Baron Palace. Both of them have a normal but beautiful Heliopolis architecture. These have some quiet little areas with two high villas that have small fences and gardens.

 Baron Edouard Louis Joseph Empain used to live their and he said that "A walk through my old neighborhood by the old palace was far from being a walk down memory lane. Only five years ago I planned suburb celebrated its centennial, our block was all villas, with the exception of two seven-story buildings. There were readily available parking spots, the street was wide enough to accommodate kids on bicycles, and it was back when each villa’s garage accommodated all of the residents’ cars".


Picture and information gotten from Egypt Today Magazine(

A vidieo from youtube that shows what is happening right know