Thursday, August 9, 2012

Summer 2012

      This summer was one of the best so far. I went to Miami and Orlando ans spend lot's of time with my family and my boyfriend. We arrived June 15th and ate at Shorty's, sadly I found a hair in my food and felt disgusted  for about 20 minutes. The manager showed up with a new plate and a ate it happily forgetting the incident. Meanwhile we all ate our meals my dad and his best friend, Cliff, debated about what I wore the day a was born. They kept on debating about it thought the meal and came to an agreement that the looser payed the bill. My dad called my grandma, Tata, and my dad won the bet. Luckily the hair incident stopped Cliff from having to pay the bill. When we going outside the manager apologized one last time and actually said "I'm sorry this doesn't happen to often to us", so we left and made fun of what he said the whole way home. This was the start of an amazing summer and the begging of my family teasing me with the hair for the rest of the vacation. 

          After three days of intense shopping and many Starbucks caramel frapuchinos, we jumped on a car and took off to Orlando. It was a three hour drive, that included a stop to have some KCF and a two hour competition of fruit ninja between my boyfriend and I. We kept on listening to music until we got to a huge sing with Mickey in a corner that said "Welcome to Walt Disney World", we drove in checked in and left right away to a park. After 5 intense days of Disney we went to Universal Studios, and got a fast pass, meaning we didn't have to do any lines at all. We got in every single ride the park had to offer and bought a video that showed both, my boyfriend and my reaction during the ride. My face is completely priceless, it looks like a combination of screaming, scared, crying and laughing. At the end of the day we got matching Gryffindor shirts and a Thing one and Thing two shirts. We had an amazing time and were upset when it was time to leave. 

       We got back to Miami and had some more shopping. We bought so many things that we even got an extra suit case! About 10 days before coming back to Nicaragua the most exiting day came, Concert day! We  went to the AAA arena to watch a Coldplay concert. It was amazing, as soon as they came in lights of thousand colors came on, confetti was throne and beach balls started to come out of the roof. My boyfriend and I kept on screaming until our voices left, literally we were aphonic and couldn't stop talking about the concert for days. The day after the concert we woke up very early and took off to Key West, my dad's hometown. Key West is special and famous fro many things, but what I love the most is how opened minded the people there are. I love a raving to my apartment and smell the sea weeds and just run down to the beach after a long day. Before arriving there we actually went swimming with the dolphins and para sailing. I had the time of my life and got so sad when i came back July the 3. I know a sad day to leave.