Friday, December 10, 2010

What Christmas Means To Me

Christamas is a day of joy. It is a day that no matter what you will have a great time with your family and people you love. That is why Christmas means love to me because every year no matter what I spend with my family and I spent some time with my closests friends. Family  is important that day because it was the day that Jesus was born and I think that, that fact makes it a special occasion. So because of that I always try to make my parents share a time together with me as a family because they are divorsed. During the afternon I spend time with my closest friends and try to have a great time and express them that theya re and always will be in my heart because i love them and wanted to spend a special day with them to express them that I love them and that I wanted to spend some time with them that day because they are special and they will make my day even more special.                                             

(picure from